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sitandgostrategy| Termination of review of listing application for Tianqimo (002510.SZ) joint-stock company

News 2024-05-19

Gelonghui May 19 丨 Tianqi Model (002510)(002510sitandgostrategy.SZ) announced that the company recently learned that Dongshi shares have been submitted to the Shenzhen Stock Exchangesitandgostrategy"Application of Dongshi Automotive Technology Group Co., Ltd. for Withdrawing Application Documents for Initial Public Offering and Listing on the Main Board". Issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 17, 2024sitandgostrategyIn accordance with the "Decision on Termination of the Review of the Initial Public Offering of Dongshi Automobile Technology Group Co., Ltd. and Listing on the Main Board"(Shenzhen Zheng Shang Shen [2024] No. 108), the Shenzhen Stock Exchange decided to terminate the initial public offering of Dongshi Shares and review of listing on the Main Board.

sitandgostrategy| Termination of review of listing application for Tianqimo (002510.SZ) joint-stock company

As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the company holds 25% of Dongshi shares. This application by Dongshi to withdraw the application documents for initial public offering and listing on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange will not have a material adverse impact on the company's production and operations.

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