jvs88slot| China Merchants Shekou: From January to April this year, the contracted sales amount was 58.831 billion yuan

On the evening of May 9, China Securities Intelligent Financial News China Merchants Shekou (001979) announced a briefing on April 2024 sales and recently purchased land use rights. April 2024jvs88slot, the company achieved a contracted sales area of 91jvs88slot.04 million square metersjvs88slot, achieved a contracted sales amount of 186jvs88slot.23 billion yuan. From January to April 2024, the company achieved a cumulative contracted sales area of 2.5763 million square meters, and a cumulative contracted sales amount of 58.831 billion yuan.

jvs88slot| China Merchants Shekou: From January to April this year, the contracted sales amount was 58.831 billion yuan

The company's recent new projects are No. 4 (2024) West of University South Road and South of Guijiang Road in Erqi District, Zhengzhou City. The land use is residential, and the equity ratio is 49.5%.

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