fishingjacket| Analysis of the causes of abnormal wear on Volkswagen Tiguan's rear wheels

As a popular SUV model, Volkswagen TouguanFishingjacketIts excellent performance and stable quality have always been the reliable choice of consumers. However, recently, some car owners have reflected the emergence of the rear wheels of Volkswagen Touguan.FishingjacketThe problem of abnormal wear has aroused widespread concern. As a professional automotive content expert, we will conduct an in-depth analysis of the causes of abnormal wear of the rear wheels of Volkswagen Touguan to help car owners solve this problem.

oneFishingjacket. Rear wheel bearing damage

The damage of rear wheel bearing is a common cause of abnormal wear of rear wheel in Volkswagen. If the bearing lubrication is poor, driving at high speed for a long time or bearing quality problems, it may lead to bearing damage, and then affect the tire wear. Car owners should regularly check the lubrication of rear wheel bearings and replace them in time to avoid abnormal tire wear.

twoFishingjacket. Insufficient tire pressure

Insufficient tire pressure is also an important cause of abnormal tire wear. If the tire pressure is lower than the standard value, the contact area between the tire and the ground increases, and the friction increases, resulting in rapid tire wear. Car owners should check the tire pressure regularly and keep it within the appropriate range to avoid abnormal tire wear.

3. Tyre positioning is not accurate

The inaccurate positioning of the tire will lead to the deviation of the driving direction of the tire, and then affect the wear of the tire. If the front bundle or inclination angle of the tire is not accurate, it will cause partial wear when the tire is running, resulting in abnormal wear of the tire. Car owners should carry out regular tire positioning checks to ensure that the tire driving direction is accurate, in order to avoid abnormal tire wear.

4. Brake system failure

Failure of the braking system may also lead to abnormal tire wear. If the brake wear is serious or the brake fluid leaks, it will lead to friction between the tire and the ground during driving, which will affect the tire wear. Car owners should regularly check the wear of the braking system and replace them in time to avoid abnormal tire wear.

5. Vehicle load is overweight

Overloaded vehicles can also lead to abnormal tire wear. If the vehicle is overloaded for a long time, it will exert extra pressure on the tire, resulting in rapid tire wear. Car owners should avoid overloading for a long time to protect the service life of the tires.

fishingjacket| Analysis of the causes of abnormal wear on Volkswagen Tiguan's rear wheels

In order to help car owners better understand the causes of abnormal wear on the rear wheels of Volkswagen Touguan, we have made a table to classify and explain the above reasons in detail.

Explanation and solution the damage of the rear wheel bearing affects the normal rotation of the tire, which causes the tire wear to check the bearing lubrication regularly, and it is found that the tire pressure is insufficient and the tire pressure is lower than the standard value. the contact area between the tire and the ground increases, the friction increases, and the tire pressure is checked regularly to keep the tire positioning inaccurate and deviate from the driving direction of the tire. Regular tire positioning inspection is carried out to ensure accurate driving direction of the tire, serious brake wear or brake fluid leakage, resulting in friction between the tire and the ground to check the wear of the braking system periodically. if problems are found, the overloaded vehicle will be overloaded for a long time to avoid long overload driving. Protect the service life of the tire

In a word, there are many reasons for the abnormal wear of the rear wheel of Volkswagen Touguan. Car owners should analyze the possible causes according to their own actual situation, and take corresponding measures to solve them. At the same time, car owners should also carry out regular vehicle maintenance and inspection in order to prolong the service life of the vehicle and ensure driving safety.

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